Team Skibladezzz!
119 -
- 119mm
Skibladezzz! will soon be your secret weapon for doing every trick you wish you were good enough to do on regular skis, with half the effort, while looking twice as good!!!
J Says Best For:
Getting X-treme / Hollywood Lines / Blower Pow / GNAR Points
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Tami Alba
271 left of 300
Red Glare
Uncle Sam
160 left of 300
Boss Cat
Only 21 of 300 left!
Only 18 of 250 left!
Officially Sold Out
Below is an archive of all the skis no longer available that have sold out in the past. We build all our skis with Limited Edition graphics that I personally hand-sign and number. Once a graphic sells out it's gone forever, so please choose a new ski to purchase from the in-stock selection above... before they're gone!